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Showing 491 - 525 of 6705 results. Page: 15 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
491 Aubry English Rules with elf-wisdom. F
492 Aubry English Rules with elf-wisdom. M
493 Aud English Diminutive of Audrey: Originally a diminutive of Etheidreda from the 16th century. Famous bearer: Famous 20th century actress Audrey Hepburn. F
494 Audel English Old friend. M
495 Audelia English Nobility; strength. F
496 Auden English Old friend. M
497 Audene English Nobility; strength. F
498 Audie English Noble strength. F
499 Audie English Old friend. M
500 Audley English Old friend. M
501 Audra English Variant of Audrey: Originally a diminutive of Etheidreda from the 16th century. F
502 Audre English Noble strength. F
503 Audrea English Nobility; strength. F

504 Audreana English Nobility; strength. F
505 Audreanna English Nobility; strength. F
506 Audrey English Variant of Etheldreda: From the Old English name Aethelthryth, meaning noble and strength. Famous bearer: St Etheldreda, later known as St Audrey, founded a monastery at Ely. F
507 Audri English Nobility; strength. F
508 Audria English Nobility; strength. F
509 Audriana English Nobility; strength. F
510 Audrianna English Nobility; strength. F
511 Audric English Old and wise ruler. M
512 Audrie English Nobility; strength. F
513 Audrielle English Nobility; strength. F
514 Audrina English Nobility; strength. F
515 Audris English Nobility; strength. F
516 August English Variant of Augustus: Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century. M
517 Augusta English Feminine form of Augustus: Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century. F
518 Augustus English Introduced to Britian by the Hanoverians in the early 18th century, became popular until the beginning of the 20th century. M
519 Aundre English Manly; brave. Modern variant of Andrew. M
520 Aurear English Gentle music. F
521 Auriar English Gentle music. F
522 Aurick English Noble valor. M
523 Austen English Variant of Augustine. F
524 Austen English Variant of Austin: Developed in the Middle Ages from the Latin Augustine, meaning magic dignity, or venerable. Most common as a surname. M
525 Austin English Developed in the Middle Ages from the Latin Augustine, meaning magic dignity, or venerable. Most common as a surname. M