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Showing 5916 - 5950 of 6705 results. Page: 170 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
5916 Stormy English Tempest. F
5917 Stowe English Place. M
5918 Strang English Powerful. M
5919 Stratford English From the river ford on the street. M
5920 Strod English From the thicket. M
5921 Strong English Powerful. M
5922 Stroud English From the thicket. M
5923 Stuart English Bailiff. M
5924 Sty]es English Stiles. M
5925 Sue English Lily. Variant of Susannah. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5926 Sueanne English Lily. Variant of Susannah. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5927 Suellen English Lily. Variant of Susannah. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5928 Suffield English From the south field. M

5929 Sully English From the south meadow. M
5930 Suma English Born during the summer. F
5931 Sumernor English Summoner. M
5932 Sumerton English From the summer estate. M
5933 Sumertun English From the summer estate. M
5934 Summer English Born during the summer. F
5935 Sumner English Summoner. M
5936 Sunny English Cheerful. F
5937 Susie English Lily. Variant of Hebrew Susannah. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5938 Susy English Lily. Variant of Hebrew Susannah. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5939 SutcIyf English From the south cliff. M
5940 Sutcliff English From the south cliff. M
5941 Suthclif English From the south cliff. M
5942 Suthfeld English From the south field. M
5943 Suthleah English From the south meadow. M
5944 Suthley English From the south meadow. M
5945 Suttecliff English From the south cliff. M
5946 Sutton English From the south farm. M
5947 Suzanna English Lily. Variant of Hebrew Susannah. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5948 Suzanna English Lily. In the apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah courageously defended herself against wrongful accusation. M
5949 Suzy English Lily. Variant of Hebrew Susannah. White lilies grew in the Biblical city of Susa in Persia. F
5950 Swain English Knight's attendant. M