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Showing 5951 - 5985 of 6705 results. Page: 171 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
5951 Swayn English Knight's attendant. M
5952 Swinton English From the swine farm. M
5953 Swintun English From the swine farm. M
5954 Swithin English Strong. St. Swithin was the Bishop of Winchester in the 9th century. The weather on St. Swithin's day is traditionally expected to remain the same for the following forty days. M
5955 Syd English Diminutive of Sidney: Wide Island: south of the water; 'from St. Denis'. M
5956 Sydney English From St. Denis. F
5957 Sydney English Variant of Sidney: Wide Island: south of the water; from Sidon. M
5958 Sylvana English Variant of Latin Sylvia, meaning from the forest. F
5959 Sylvester English See Silvester. M
5960 Sylvie English Variant of Latin Sylvia, meaning from the forest. F
5961 Sylvina English Variant of Latin Sylvia, meaning from the forest. F
5962 Sylvonna English Variant of Latin Sylvia, meaning from the forest. F
5963 Symington English From Simon's estate. M

5964 Symon English Variant of Simon meaning 'hear; listen.'. M
5965 Symontun English From Simon's estate. M
5966 Tab English Drummer. Abbreviation of Tabor. The biblical Mt. Tabor is a landmark mountain near Nazareth. M
5967 Tacy English Silence. Also an abbreviation of Anastacia. F
5968 Tad English Abbreviation of Thaddeus who was one of Christ's 12 apostles. M
5969 Tadd English Abbreviation of Thaddeus who was one of Christ's 12 apostles. M
5970 Tahurer English Drummer. M
5971 Tait English Brings joy. F
5972 Tait English Cheerful. M
5973 Tal English Tall. M
5974 Talbert English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5975 Talbot English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5976 Talbott English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5977 Talford English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5978 Tallon English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5979 Talmadge English Tall. Variant of Tal. Surname. M
5980 Talon English Claw. M
5981 Tami English Abbreviation of Thomasina and Tamara. F
5982 Tammie English Abbreviation of Thomasina and Tamara. F
5983 Tammy English A diminutive of any feminine name beginning with 'Tam-'. F
5984 Tamsin English Variant of Thomasina 'Twin'. F
5985 Tamtun English From the quiet river farm. M