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Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
6301 Upton English From the upper farm. M
6302 Uptun English From the upper farm. M
6303 Upwode English From the upper forest. M
6304 Upwood English From the upper forest. M
6305 US opera singer Be English Feminine form of Beverley: Beaver stream, from the beaver meadow. Derived from a surname and place name. Although Beverley has sometimes been used as a girl's name, Beverly is the more common feminine form. F
6306 Usbeorn English Divine warrior. M
6307 Vail English Lives in the valley. M
6308 Val English Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors. M
6309 Vale English Lives in the valley. M
6310 Valen English Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors. M
6311 Valentine English Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors. M
6312 Valerie English Strong; valiant. Feminine of the Roman family clan name Valerius. F
6313 Valiant English Brave. M

6314 Vallen English Strong. Variant of Valentinus; the name of more than 50 saints and three Roman emperors. M
6315 Vance English Marshland. M
6316 Vannes English Grain fans. M
6317 Vareck English From the fortress. M
6318 Varek English From the fortress. M
6319 Varik English From the fortress. M
6320 Vayle English Lives in the valley. M
6321 Velouette English Soft. F
6322 Velvet English Soft. F
6323 Verena English Name given in honour of 3rd century Saint Verena. F
6324 Verity English Truth. F
6325 Vern English Surname related to Vernon 'alder tree grove.' Also used as abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern. M
6326 Verne English Surname related to Vernon 'alder tree grove.' Also used as abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern. M
6327 Vernon English Alder tree grove. Aristocratic surname brought to England at the time of the Norman conquest. M
6328 Vi English Diminutive of Viola: Violet. Viola was one of the heroine's in Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night'. F
6329 Vidal English Life. Used as both surname and given name. See also Vito. M
6330 Videl English Life. Used as both surname and given name. See also Vito. M
6331 Vina English Diminutive of any name ending in -vina. F
6332 Vince English Form of Vincent 'conquering.'. M
6333 Vincent English Conquering. M
6334 Vingon English Son of Vinn. M
6335 Vinn English Conqueror. M