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Showing 6336 - 6370 of 6705 results. Page: 182 of 192

Browse all English girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
6336 Vinnie English Form of Vincent 'conquering.'. M
6337 Vinson English Form of Vincent 'conquering.'. M
6338 Vinsone English Son of Vinn. M
6339 Viola English Violet. Viola was one of the heroine's in Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night'. F
6340 Violet English Variant of Viola: Violet. Viola was one of the heroine's in Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night'. F
6341 Violetta English Variant of Viola: Violet. Viola was one of the heroine's in Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night'. F
6342 Violette English Variant of Viola: Violet. Viola was one of the heroine's in Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night'. F
6343 Virgena English Chaste; virginal. F
6344 Virgil English Flourishing. Roman poet-philosopher Virgil works have been classic texts of Roman history and the Latin language for 2000 years. M
6345 Virginia English Chaste; virginal. F
6346 Vivian English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
6347 Viviana English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
6348 Vivianna English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F

6349 Vivianne English Variant of Vivien, the Lady of the Lake In Malory's 'Mort dArthur'. Also Merlin's enchantress. F
6350 Vruyk English From the fortress. M
6351 Wacfeld English From Wake's field. M
6352 Wacian English Alert. M
6353 Wacleah English From Wake's meadow. M
6354 Wacuman English Watchman. M
6355 Wada English Advancer. M
6356 Wadanhyll English From the advancer's hill. M
6357 Wade English Ford (as in river crossing); Advancer'; Medieval given name from Scandinavian mythology. M
6358 Wadley English From Wade's meadow. M
6359 Wadsworth English From Wade's estate. M
6360 Waed English Advancer. M
6361 Waefreleah English From the quaking aspen tree meadow. M
6362 Waer English Wary. M
6363 Waerheall English From the true man's manor. M
6364 Waeringawicum English Fortress. M
6365 Waescburne English From the flooding brook. M
6366 Wain English Craftsman. M
6367 Wainwright English Wagon maker. M
6368 Wait English Guard. M
6369 Waite English Guard. M
6370 Wake English Alert. M