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Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
386 Celestine French Variant of Celeste : This French name is based on the Latin 'caelestis' meaning 'heavenly'. Used as both a masculine and feminine name in France. F
387 Celestine French Variant of Celeste : This French name is based on the Latin 'caelestis' meaning 'heavenly'. Five popes have been named 'Celestine', two of whom were canonized. M
388 Celestyna French Heavenly. F
389 Celie French Variant of Cecilia - blind. F
390 Celina French Variant of Celine: French form of the Latin 'caelum' meaning sky or heaven. Also a variant of Celia or Selena. F
391 Celine French French form of the Latin 'caelum' meaning sky or heaven. Also a variant of Celia or Selena. F
392 Cendrillon French Of the ashes. F
393 Cerise French Cherry; cherry red. F
394 Chance French Fortune; a gamble. Variant of Chauncey. M
395 Chandler French Maker of candles. M
396 Chane French Oak-hearted. M
397 Chanel French Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. F
398 Chanell French Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. F

399 Chanelle French Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. F
400 Chaney French Oak tree; oak-hearted. M
401 Chanler French Maker of candles. M
402 Channelle French Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. F
403 Channing French Member of the bishop's council. M
404 Chantae French Singer. To sing. Song. F
405 Chantal French Singer. To sing. Song. F
406 Chantalle French Singer. To sing. Song. F
407 Chantay French Singer. To sing. Song. F
408 Chante French Singer. To sing. Song. F
409 Chantel French Singer. To sing. Song. F
410 Chantell French Singer. To sing. Song. F
411 Chantelle French Singer. To sing. Song. F
412 Chantrell French Singer. To sing. Song. F
413 Chapin French Clergyman. M
414 Chappel French From the chapel. M
415 Chappell French From the chapel. M
416 Chardae French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
417 Charee French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
418 Charity French From the Old French 'charite' meaning Christian love, based on the Latin 'cantos' Charity is held up in the New Testament (I Corinthians 13) as the greatest of the three Christian virtues, with Faith and Hope. F
419 Charlaine French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
420 Charlayne French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F