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Showing 421 - 455 of 1994 results. Page: 13 of 57

Browse all French girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
421 Charleen French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
422 Charleena French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
423 Charlemagne French French form of the German Charles which became popular in the early 9th century when Charles the Great (Charlemagne) became the first ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. M
424 Charlena French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
425 Charlene French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
426 Charles French Manly. M
427 Charlette French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
428 Charley French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man or manly. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. F
429 Charlie French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man or manly. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. F
430 Charline French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
431 Charlisa French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
432 Charlita French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
433 Charlot French Son of Charlemagne. M

434 Charlotta French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. F
435 Charlotte French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man or manly. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. F
436 Charmain French One of Cleopatra's attendants in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra was named Charmian. F
437 Charmaine French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. Variant of Charmain, one of Cleopatra's attendants. F
438 Charmayne French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. Variant of Charmain, one of Cleopatra's attendants. F
439 Charmine French Feminine of Charles meaning manly. Variant of Charmain, one of Cleopatra's attendants. F
440 Chattie French Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. Famous bearers: Princess Charlotte, daughter of King George IV; British writer Charlotte Bronte. F
441 Chaunce French Fortune; a gamble. Variant of Chauncey. M
442 Chauncey French Fortune; a gamble. From a surname based on a French place name. Famous bearers: Charles Chauncy, an early Harvard University president. M
443 Chauncy French Variant of Chauncey meaning, fortune; a gamble. Famous bearers: Charles Chauncy, an early Harvard University president. M
444 Chaunte French Singer. To sing. Song. F
445 Chauntel French Singer. To sing. Song. F
446 Chayne French Oak-hearted. M
447 Chenelle French Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. F
448 Cheney French From the oak wood. Variant of Chaney: Oak tree; oak-hearted. M
449 Cher French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
450 Chere French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
451 Cheree French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
452 Chereen French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
453 Cherell French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
454 Cherelle French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F
455 Cheri French Variant of Cherie 'Dear one;darling'. F