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Showing 736 - 770 of 1068 results. Page: 22 of 31

Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
736 Nectarios Greek Name of a saint. M
737 Neleus Greek Son of Poseidon. M
738 Nemo Greek From the glen. M
739 Nemos Greek From the glen. M
740 Neotolemus Greek Son of Achilles. M
741 Nereus Greek Father of the Nereids. M
742 Nestor Greek Wisdom. M
743 Nicholas Greek People's victory. St. Nicholas is the patron saint of children, sailors, and pawnbrokers - Santa Claus is based on this saint. M
744 Nicholaus Greek People's victory. M
745 Nick Greek Diminutive of Nicholas: People's victory. M
746 Nicky Greek Diminutive of Nicholas: People's victory. M
747 Nicodemus Greek People's victory. In the Bible, Nicodemus assisted Joseph of Arimathea with the burial of Jesus Christ. M
748 Nicol Greek Variant of Nicholas: People's victory. M

749 Nicolas Greek Variant of Nicholas: People's victory. M
750 Nicolaus Greek People's victory. M
751 Nicole Greek People's victory. M
752 Nik Greek People's victory. M
753 Nikita Greek People's victory. M
754 Niklaus Greek People's victory. M
755 Nikodem Greek People's victory. M
756 Nikolai Greek People's victory. M
757 Nikolajis Greek People's victory. M
758 Nikolos Greek Victorious; conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas. M
759 Niles Greek People's victory. M
760 Nilo Greek People's victory. M
761 Nilos Greek People's victory. M
762 Nils Greek People's victory. M
763 Niocol Greek People's victory. M
764 Niocole Greek People's victory. M
765 Nisus Greek Father of Scylla. M
766 Notus Greek The south wind. M
767 Obiareus Greek A Titan. M
768 Oceanus Greek Father of the Oceanids. M
769 Ocnus Greek Incompetent. M
770 Odysseus Greek Wrathful. M