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Browse all Greek girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
771 Oedipus Greek Swollen foot. M
772 Oeneus Greek King of Calydon. M
773 Oenomaus Greek Son of Ares. M
774 Oighrig Greek Well spoken. M
775 Oles Greek Defender of man. M
776 Ophion Greek A serpent. M
777 Oreias Greek From the mountain. M
778 Oreste Greek From the mountain. M
779 Orestes Greek From the mountain. M
780 Orion Greek Rising in the sky; dawning. Mythological Orion was a mighty hunter and son of Poseidon. The constellation Orion contains three conspicuous stars. M
781 Orpheus Greek Son of Apollo. M
782 Orthros Greek Guardian of Geryon. M
783 Otis Greek Keen of hearing. M

784 Otos Greek Keen of hearing. M
785 Otus Greek Keen of hearing. M
786 Owain Greek Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American playwright Eugene O'Neill. M
787 Owen Greek Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy. M
788 Palaemon Greek A sea god. M
789 Palamedes Greek Son of Nauplius. M
790 Pan Greek God of flocks. M
791 Panagiotis Greek All or holy. M
792 Pancratius Greek Supreme ruler. M
793 Pandareos Greek A thief. M
794 Pandarus Greek Killed for breaking a truce. M
795 Panos Greek Rock. M
796 Panteleimon Greek Merciful. M
797 Papandrou Greek Son of Ander. M
798 Paris Greek Son of Priam. M
799 Parthenios Greek Virgin. M
800 Patroclus Greek Achilles' best friend. M
801 Peadair Greek Rock. M
802 Pedar Greek Rock. M
803 Peder Greek Rock. M
804 Pedro Greek Variant of Peter: Stone; rock. M
805 Pegasus Greek Winged horse. M