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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1121 Egesta Latin Daughter of Phoenodamas. F
1122 Egidia Latin A form of Aegidius, a Latin name based on the Greek word for kid or goatskin. F
1123 Egidius Latin A form of Aegidius, a Latin name based on the Greek word for kid or goatskin. M
1124 Eileen Latin Variant of Evelina: Latinized form of the Old German name Avelina. Famous bearer: Fanny Burney's novel 'Evelina'. F
1125 Eirene Latin Daughter of Poseidon. F
1126 Elata Latin Glorified. F
1127 Eleana Latin Daughter of the sun. F
1128 Electa Latin Selected. F
1129 Elekta Latin Selected. F
1130 Eliana Latin Daughter of the sun. F
1131 Elianna Latin Daughter of the sun. F
1132 Elianne Latin Daughter of the sun. F
1133 Eligius Latin Worthy. M

1134 Elita Latin Chosen one. Also short form for Carmelita. F
1135 Elmo Latin Helm from God. M
1136 Eloina Latin Worthy. F
1137 Eloine Latin Worthy. F
1138 Eloy Latin Chosen one. Abbreviation of Eligius. M
1139 Elric Latin The king. M
1140 Elrick Latin The king. M
1141 Elrod Latin The king. M
1142 Elroy Latin The king. M
1143 Eluypylus Latin A Trojan. M
1144 Elvera Latin White. F
1145 Elvio Latin Blond. M
1146 Elvira Latin White. F
1147 Emalee Latin Industrious; striving. F
1148 Emelia Latin Industrious; striving. F
1149 Emera Latin Worthy of merit. F
1150 Emil Latin Excellent. Masculine equivalent of Emily, from the name Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius. Also a variant of Amelia. M
1151 Emile Latin Excellent. M
1152 Emilee Latin Industrious; striving. F
1153 Emilia Latin Industrious; striving. F
1154 Emilian Latin Excellent. M
1155 Emilie Latin Industrious; striving. F