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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1156 Emilio Latin Spanish form of Emil derived from Roman clan name which may mean 'industrious.'. M
1157 Emily Latin Industrious; striving. From the name Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius. Also a variant of Amelia. F
1158 Emira Latin Worthy of merit. F
1159 Emlyn Latin Excellent. Masculine equivalent of Emily, from the name Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius. Also a variant of Amelia. M
1160 Emmalee Latin Industrious; striving. F
1161 Emmalei Latin Industrious; striving. F
1162 Emmanuel Latin With us is God. Variant of Hebrew name Immanuel. A biblical name-title applied to the Messiah. M
1163 Entoria Latin Lover of Satum. F
1164 Eny Latin One of the Graeae. F
1165 Enyo Latin One of the Graeae. F
1166 Eos Latin Goddess of dawn. F
1167 Ephyra Latin Daughter of Oceanus. F
1168 Epione Latin Wife of Asclepius. F

1169 Epona Latin Protectress of horses. F
1170 Equestris Latin Venus's surname. F
1171 Eriboea Latin Wife of Aloeus. F
1172 Erica Latin The plant 'erica'. F
1173 Erichthonius Latin Founder of Troy. M
1174 Ermina Latin Noble. F
1175 Erna Latin Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest. F
1176 Ernesha Latin Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest. F
1177 Ernestina Latin Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest. F
1178 Ernestine Latin Serious; determined. Feminine of Emest. F
1179 Errol Latin Wandering. M
1180 Espe Latin Hope. F
1181 Essie Latin Star. F
1182 Estella Latin Star. F
1183 Estelle Latin Star. F
1184 Etta Latin Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette. F
1185 Ettie Latin Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette. F
1186 Etty Latin Abbreviation for Henrietta and Harriette. F
1187 Euadne Latin Daughter of Poseidon. F
1188 Euandra Latin Amazon. F
1189 Eugenius Latin Well-born, from the Latin Eugene. Famous bearer: pope St Eugenius. M
1190 Euphorbus Latin A Trojan soldier. M