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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1331 Florrie Latin Diminutive of Flora: The mythological Roman goddess of flowers. Diminutive of Florence: From 'florentius' or 'florentia', meaning flowering or flourishing. Famous bearer:. F
1332 Floryan Latin Variant of Florian: In bloom. M
1333 Floss Latin Diminutive of Flora: The mythological Roman goddess of flowers. Diminutive of Florence: From 'florentius' or 'florentia', meaning flowering or flourishing. Famous bearer:. F
1334 Flossie Latin Diminutive of Flora: The mythological Roman goddess of flowers. Diminutive of Florence: From 'florentius' or 'florentia', meaning flowering or flourishing. Famous bearer:. F
1335 Floy Latin Diminutive of Flora: The mythological Roman goddess of flowers. Diminutive of Florence: From 'florentius' or 'florentia', meaning flowering or flourishing. Famous bearer:. F
1336 Flurry Latin Diminutive of Flora: The mythological Roman goddess of flowers. Diminutive of Florence: From 'florentius' or 'florentia', meaning flowering or flourishing. Famous bearer:. F
1337 Fomax Latin Goddess of bread. F
1338 Fonsie Latin Abbreviation of Alfonso. M
1339 Fonso Latin Abbreviation of Alfonso. M
1340 Fonzell Latin Abbreviation of Alfonso. M
1341 Fonzie Latin Abbreviation of Alfonso. M
1342 Fonzo Latin Abbreviation of Alfonso. M
1343 Forenza Latin Flower. F

1344 Forrest Latin Dwells in the forest. M
1345 Fortino Latin Strong; fortunate. M
1346 Fortuna Latin Fortune, fortunate. The mythological Roman oman goddess of luck, fortune and chance, often depicted with the wheel she turned to attract success or failure. She also steered lives with a rudder. F
1347 Fortunata Latin Fortunate. F
1348 Fortunato Latin Strong; fortunate. M
1349 Fortunatus Latin Lucky or prosperous. M
1350 Fortune Latin From 'fortuna' meaning fortunate or good luck. A popular 17th Century Puritan name. F
1351 Foster Latin Keeper of the forest. M
1352 Fran Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances. F
1353 Fran Latin Diminutive of Francis: meaning from France, or free one. M
1354 Franc Latin Diminutive of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M
1355 Frances Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1356 Francesca Latin Variant of Frances: From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1357 Francesco Latin Variant of Francis: From 'franciscus' meaning Frenchman. Famous bearers: St Francis of Sales who is patron saint of writers, St Francis of Assisi who founded the Franciscan order of friars, navigator Sir Francis Drake, and philosopher Francis Bacon. M
1358 Franchot Latin Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M
1359 Francie Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances. F
1360 Francine Latin Variant of Frances: From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1361 Francis Latin From 'franciscus' meaning Frenchman. Famous bearers: St Francis of Sales who is patron saint of writers, St Francis of Assisi who founded the Franciscan order of friars, navigator Sir Francis Drake, and philosopher Francis Bacon. M
1362 Francisca Latin Variant of Frances: From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. F
1363 Francisco Latin Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M
1364 Franco Latin Diminutive of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M
1365 Francois Latin Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M