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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1366 Frank Latin Diminutive of Francis: meaning from France, or free one. M
1367 Frankie Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances. F
1368 Frankie Latin Diminutive of Francis: meaning from France, or free one. M
1369 Franky Latin Diminutive of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: movie producer Francis Ford Coppola. M
1370 Frannie Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances. F
1371 Franny Latin From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Diminutive of Frances. F
1372 Fronda Latin Leafy branch. F
1373 Fronde Latin Leafy branch. F
1374 Fronia Latin Wise. F
1375 Fulvia Latin YeIlow. F
1376 Furina Latin Furies. F
1377 Furrina Latin Furies. F
1378 Gabriela Latin God's able-bodied one. Feminine of Gabriel. F

1379 Gaius Latin To rejoice. Famous bearer: Roman dictator Gaius Julius Caesar. M
1380 Gala Latin From Gaul. F
1381 Ganymede Latin Cup bearer to the gods. M
1382 Garabi Latin Clear. F
1383 Garai Latin Conqueror. M
1384 Garbi Latin Clear. F
1385 Gavina Latin From Gabio. Variant of Gabinus which is a saint's name. F
1386 Gem Latin Gem; a jewel. F
1387 Gemma Latin Gem; a jewel. F
1388 Gemmalyn Latin Gem; a jewel. F
1389 Gemmalynn Latin Gem; a jewel. F
1390 Genius Latin A guardian spirit. M
1391 Georgeanne Latin Variant of Georgia. F
1392 Georgiana Latin Variant of Georgia. F
1393 Georgianna Latin Variant of Georgia. F
1394 Georgina Latin Variant of Georgia. F
1395 Germain Latin Brotherly. See also Jermaine. M
1396 Germaine Latin Feminine of Germain. Derives from a Roman name meaning 'brotherly. F
1397 Gerontius Latin A Latin version of the Greek 'geron' meaning old. M
1398 Giles Latin Kind. M
1399 Gill Latin Young. F
1400 Gillian Latin Feminine form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's child. Variant of Juliana. F