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Showing 1436 - 1470 of 3159 results. Page: 42 of 91

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1436 Griselda Latin Gray; gray-haired. Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio's used the name for an exceptionally patient wife - thus the expression 'patience of Griselda. F
1437 Grisella Latin Gray; gray-haired. F
1438 Griselle Latin Gray; gray-haired. F
1439 Grizelda Latin Gray; gray-haired. F
1440 Gryne Latin An Amazon. F
1441 Gryselda Latin Gray; gray-haired. F
1442 Guido Latin Life. M
1443 Guilia Latin Young. F
1444 Guilie Latin Young. F
1445 Gussie Latin Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, grand. The feminine form of Augustus; meaning majestic dignity or venerable, originally given to female relatives of Roman emperors. Famous bearer: British King George III's mother was named Augusta. F
1446 Gusta Latin Diminutive of Augusta: Majestic, grand. The feminine form of Augustus; meaning majestic dignity or venerable, originally given to female relatives of Roman emperors. Famous bearer: British King George III's mother was named Augusta. F
1447 Gustave Latin Majestic. M
1448 Gustavus Latin Staff of the gods, or staff of the Goths. M

1449 Gustel Latin Majestic. F
1450 Gustella Latin Majestic. F
1451 Gusztav Latin Majestic. M
1452 Guy Latin Life. M
1453 Gwidon Latin Life. M
1454 Gyala Latin Young. M
1455 Gymnasia Latin One of the Horae. F
1456 Hadrea Latin Dark. F
1457 Hadria Latin Dark. F
1458 Hadrian Latin From 'Hadrianus' meaning of Adria or 'of the Adriatic. Also 'dark,' a variant of Adrian. Famous bearer: Roman emperor Hadrian ordered the famous Hadrian's wall be built across northern England. M
1459 Hadrien Latin Dark. Variant of Adrian. In the 2nd century AD Roman Emperor Hadrian caused the Hadrian wall to be built in Britain. M
1460 Hajnal Latin Dawn. F
1461 Halirrhothius Latin Son of Poseidon. M
1462 Hannibal Latin General from the 3rd century B.C. who crossed the Alps with 30,000 men and 38 elephants during the second Punic War. M
1463 Harmonia Latin Concord. F
1464 Harmony Latin Concord. F
1465 Harpinna Latin Mare of Oenomaus. F
1466 Harpocrates Latin Egyptian god of the sun. M
1467 Hector Latin Brother of Paris. M
1468 Hecuba Latin Wife of Priam. F
1469 Helen Latin Most beautiful woman in the world. F
1470 Helenus Latin Son of Priam. M