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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1471 Henicea Latin Daughter of Priam. F
1472 Hercules Latin Glory of Hera. Glorious Gift. Derived from the Greek name Heracles. In Greek mythology, Hercules (or Heracles) was the son of Zeus, who performed the Twelve Labours after killing his wife and children in a fit of madness. M
1473 Herminia Latin Feminine of Herman. F
1474 Herminius Latin A hero who saved Rome. M
1475 Hermip Latin Daughter of Boeotus. F
1476 Hero Latin Daughter of Priam. F
1477 Herophile Latin Priestess of Apollo. F
1478 Hersilia Latin Married a follower of Romulus. F
1479 Hespera Latin Daughter of Cebren. F
1480 Hesperia Latin Daughter of Cebren. F
1481 Hesperie Latin Daughter of Cebren. F
1482 Hibernia Latin From Ireland. F
1483 Hibiscus Latin Flower name. F

1484 Hibiskus Latin Flower name. F
1485 Hieronymous Latin Saved. M
1486 Hieronymus Latin Holy name. M
1487 Hilaeira Latin Shining. F
1488 Hilaria Latin Happy. F
1489 Hilarion Latin Happy. M
1490 Hilary Latin Happy. F
1491 Hilary Latin Happy; Cheerful. M
1492 Hillary Latin 'Happy; Joyful; glad. F
1493 Hillary Latin Happy. M
1494 Hillery Latin Happy; Cheerful. M
1495 Hippocampus Latin Neptune's horse. M
1496 Hippodameia Latin Daughter of Briseus. F
1497 Hippolyte Latin Queen of the Amazons. F
1498 Hippothoe Latin An Amazon. F
1499 Honor Latin Honor. Good name and integrity. A virtue name. F
1500 Honor Latin Honour. M
1501 Honora Latin Honour. F
1502 Honorata Latin Honor. F
1503 Honorato Latin Honor. M
1504 Honoria Latin Honor. F
1505 Honorina Latin Honor. F