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Showing 2836 - 2870 of 3159 results. Page: 82 of 91

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
2836 Silio Latin Of the forest. M
2837 Silka Latin Blind. F
2838 Silke Latin Blind. F
2839 Silkie Latin Blind. F
2840 Sill Latin Of the forest. M
2841 Silos Latin Of the forest. M
2842 Silva Latin From the forest. F
2843 Silvain Latin Of the forest. M
2844 Silvana Latin Feminine form of Silvanus: Of the forest. God of trees and forests. F
2845 Silvano Latin Variant of Sylvanus referring to the mythological Greek god of trees. A number of saints bore the name. M
2846 Silvanos Latin Of the forest. M
2847 Silvanus Latin Of the forest. God of trees and forests. M
2848 Silvester Latin Of the woods; of the forest. M

2849 Silvia Latin From the forest. Rhea Silvia was the mother of Rome's founders, Remus and Romulus. F
2850 Silvius Latin Of the forest. M
2851 Sina Latin Blessed. F
2852 Sinclair Latin Hard working. M
2853 Sinon Latin A Trojan soldier. M
2854 Sinope Latin Daughter of Ares. F
2855 Siseal Latin Blind. M
2856 Sisyphus Latin Son of Aeolus. M
2857 Sixtus Latin Bom sixth. M
2858 Sol Latin Sun. M
2859 Solita Latin Accustomed. F
2860 Somnus Latin Sleep. M
2861 Speranza Latin Hope. F
2862 Spes Latin Hope. F
2863 Spurius Latin A hero who saved Rome. M
2864 Stacy Latin Dependable. M
2865 Staeey Latin Dependable. M
2866 Stanislava Latin Star. F
2867 Star Latin Star. F
2868 Stella Latin Star. F
2869 Stelle Latin Star. F
2870 Suada Latin Persuasion. F