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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
2871 Sylanna Latin From the forest. F
2872 Syllis Latin A nymph. F
2873 Sylva Latin From the forest. F
2874 Sylvan Latin Of the forest. M
2875 Sylvana Latin From the forest. F
2876 Sylvania Latin From the forest. F
2877 Sylvanus Latin Of the forest. M
2878 Sylvester Latin Of the woods; of the forest. Famous Bearer: action movie actor Sylvester Stallone. M
2879 Sylvia Latin From the forest. F
2880 Sylvie Latin Diminutive of Silvia: From the forest. F
2881 Symaethis Latin Mother of Ads. F
2882 Tacey Latin Silent; hushed. F
2883 Tacita Latin Silent. F

2884 Tacy Latin Silence. Also an abbreviation of Anastacia. F
2885 Tanaquil Latin Worshipped in the home. F
2886 Tansy Latin Tenacious. F
2887 Tarpeia Latin Killed for an act of treason against her father. F
2888 Tarrence Latin Roman clan name. M
2889 Taurean Latin Bull-like. Refers to the saint Taurinus. Taurus is a constellation picturing the forequarters of a bull and is second sign in the astrological Zodiac. M
2890 Taurus Latin Bull-like. Refers to the saint Taurinus. Taurus is a constellation picturing the forequarters of a bull and is second sign in the astrological Zodiac. M
2891 Tava Latin Abbreviation of Octavia: born eighth. F
2892 Tavey Latin Born eighth. M
2893 Tavia Latin Abbreviation of Octavia: born eighth. F
2894 Taxomin Latin Like unto the lord. M
2895 Tefia Latin Earth. F
2896 Telephassa Latin Wife of Agenor. F
2897 Teles Latin A Siren. F
2898 Tellus Latin Earth. F
2899 Templa Latin Sanctuary. F
2900 Temple Latin Reference to medieval priories and settlements of the military religious order Knights Templars. F
2901 Teralyn Latin The planet earth. Famous bearer: mythological Terra, the Roman earth goddess equivalent to the Greek Gaia. F
2902 Terence Latin Smooth. M
2903 Terra Latin The planet earth. Famous bearer: mythological Terra, the Roman earth goddess equivalent to the Greek Gaia. F
2904 Terrah Latin The planet earth. Famous bearer: mythological Terra, the Roman earth goddess equivalent to the Greek Gaia. F
2905 Terrance Latin Roman clan name. M