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Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
2906 Terrence Latin Smooth; Roman clan name. M
2907 Terry Latin Diminutive of Terence: Derived from the name of a Roman clan (Terentius). M
2908 Tertia Latin Born third. F
2909 Tertius Latin Third child. M
2910 Tethys Latin Daughter of Gaea. F
2911 Thalassa Latin Mediterranean. F
2912 Theadora Latin God given. Feminine of Theodore. F
2913 Thelxepeia Latin A Siren. F
2914 Thelxiepeia Latin A Siren. F
2915 Theodora Latin God given. Feminine of Theodore. F
2916 Theophania Latin Manifestation of God. In the Middle Ages, this name was sometimes given to girls born on Twelfth night. F
2917 Thrasius Latin Bold. M
2918 Tiberia Latin From the Tiber. F

2919 Tierra Latin Headdress. A tiara is a jeweled headpiece or demi-crown. F
2920 Tiffany Latin Variant of Theophania: Manifestation of God. In the Middle Ages, this name was sometimes given to girls born on Twelfth night. F
2921 Tigris Latin From the Tigris. F
2922 Tigrisa Latin From the Tigris. F
2923 Tigrisia Latin From the Tigris. F
2924 Timandra Latin Sister of Helen. F
2925 Tina Latin Name ending used as an independent name and in combination with other names i.e. Tinamarie. F
2926 Tiryns Latin Aunt of Hercules. F
2927 Tisha Latin Diminutive of Letitia: Joy. F
2928 Tita Latin Honored. F
2929 Tithonus Latin A lover of Aurora. M
2930 Tito Latin Saved; Titus was the Biblical Greek Christian missionary to whom Paul wrote a canonical letter. M
2931 Titus Latin Saved. M
2932 Toinette Latin Praiseworthy. F
2933 Tonia Latin Praiseworthy. F
2934 Tony Latin Above praise. M
2935 Topaz Latin Jewel. F
2936 Torrentem Latin Swift. M
2937 Tracy Latin Bold. M
2938 Trent Latin Swift. M
2939 Tricia Latin Diminutive of Patricia: Noble. St. Patricia was a 7th century patron saint of Naples. F
2940 Trinity Latin Three in one. F