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Showing 2941 - 2975 of 3159 results. Page: 85 of 91

Browse all Latin girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
2941 Trish Latin Diminutive of Patricia: Noble. St. Patricia was a 7th century patron saint of Naples. F
2942 Trisha Latin Diminutive of Patricia: Noble. St. Patricia was a 7th century patron saint of Naples. F
2943 Trissie Latin Diminutive of Beatrice F: A variant of Beatrix meaning bringer of joy. In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice was Dante's guide through Paradise, perhaps inspired by Beatrice Portinari who was Dante's earliest love. F
2944 Trissie Latin Diminutive of Beatrice F: A variant of Beatrix meaning bringer of joy. In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice was Dante's guide through Paradise, perhaps inspired by Beatrice Portinari who was Dante's earliest love. M
2945 Trista Latin Full of sorrows. F
2946 Tristam Latin Full of sorrows. M
2947 Tristan Latin Full of sorrows. M
2948 Triste Latin Full of sorrows. F
2949 Tristram Latin Full of sorrows. M
2950 Triton Latin A sea god. M
2951 Trivia Latin Another name for Diana. F
2952 Trix Latin Diminutive of Beatrix: Bringer of joy, brings joy. Happy. F
2953 Trixie Latin Diminutive of Beatrix: Bringer of joy, brings joy. Happy. F

2954 Trixy Latin Happy. F
2955 Troilus Latin Son of Priam. M
2956 Tros Latin Founder of Troy. M
2957 Tryphaena Latin Delicate. F
2958 Tryphana Latin Delicate. F
2959 Tryphena Latin Delicate. F
2960 Tuccia Latin A Vestal Virgin. F
2961 Tulio Latin Lively. M
2962 Tulliola Latin Little Tullia. F
2963 Tullius Latin Name of a king. M
2964 Turner Latin Works on the lathe. M
2965 Turnus Latin Killed by Aeneas. M
2966 Tutilina Latin Goddess of harvest. F
2967 Tyre Latin From Tyre. M
2968 Uiseann Latin Conqueror. M
2969 Ulysses Latin Variant of the Greek name Odysseus. Ulysses was the clever and resourceful mythological hero of Homer's epic The Odyssey. M
2970 Una Latin One. F
2971 Undina Latin Of the waves. F
2972 Undine Latin Of the waves. F
2973 Undinia Latin Of the waves. F
2974 Unelina Latin Bear. F
2975 Unique Latin Only one. F