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Browse all Scottish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
106 Bonny Scottish Pretty, charming beautiful. Derived from the Scottish dialect word bonny, meaning beautiful; which in turn is based on the Latin 'bonus' meaning good. F
107 Bonny-jean Scottish From the French 'bon' meaning good. In Scottish usage 'bonnie' means pretty or charming. F
108 Bonny-lee Scottish From the French 'bon' meaning good. In Scottish usage 'bonnie' means pretty or charming. F
109 Both Scottish From the stone house. M
110 Bothain Scottish From the stone house. M
111 Bothan Scottish From the stone house. M
112 Boyd Scottish From the Gaelic 'buidhe' meaning yellow. Used commonly as a name referring to its owner's blonde hair color. Common as both a first name and a surname in Scotland. M
113 Bradana Scottish Salmon. F
114 Braden Scottish Salmon. M
115 Bram Scottish Bramble; a thicket of wild gorse. Abbreviation of Abraham and Abram. Bram Stoker was author of Dracula. M
116 Breac Scottish Speckled. M
117 Brenda Scottish From the Norse, meaning sword or torch, this name was originally used only in the Shetland Isles of Scotland, but spread to other parts of the English-speaking world after Brenda appeared as a heroine in Sir Walter Scott's 1822 novel The Pirate. F
118 Bretton Scottish Brit. A native of Brittany: (France) or Britain: (England). M

119 Brice Scottish Speckled. M
120 Broc Scottish Badger. M
121 Brochan Scottish Broken. M
122 Brod Scottish Diminutive of Broderick: Brother. M
123 Broddy Scottish Diminutive of Broderick: Brother. M
124 Brodee Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
125 Broden Scottish Reference to Castle Brodie in Scotland. M
126 Broderic Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
127 Broderick Scottish Brother. M
128 Brodey Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
129 Brodi Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
130 Brodie Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
131 Brodric Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
132 Brodrick Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
133 Brody Scottish Second son. M
134 Broehain Scottish Broken. M
135 Bruce Scottish Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: ('the Bruce') who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. M
136 Bryce Scottish Speckled. Surname form of Brice. M
137 Brycen Scottish Variant of Bryce. M
138 Bryceton Scottish Variant of Bryce. M
139 Bryson Scottish Variant of Bryce. M
140 Bryston Scottish Variant of Bryce. M