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Showing 141 - 175 of 893 results. Page: 5 of 26

Browse all Scottish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
141 Buchanan Scottish From the cannon's seat. M
142 Busby Scottish Forest village. M
143 Cadha Scottish From the steep place. F
144 Cailean Scottish Triumphant in battle; triumphant in war; virile. Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
145 Cailin Scottish Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
146 Cailleach Scottish Hag. F
147 Caillen Scottish Virile. M
148 Caillic Scottish Hag. F
149 Cait Scottish Variant of Katherine, meaning pure. F
150 Caitrin Scottish Variant of Katherine, meaning pure. F
151 Caladh Scottish Harbor. M
152 Calan Scottish Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
153 Calder Scottish Rough waters. M

154 Caley Scottish Contemporary variant of Cailean 'Child.'. M
155 Callum Scottish Bald dove. M
156 Cam Scottish Crooked or crooked mouth. M
157 Cambeul Scottish Crooked mouth. M
158 Camdan Scottish From the winding valley. M
159 Camden Scottish From the winding valley. M
160 Camdin Scottish From the winding valley. M
161 Camdyn Scottish From the winding valley. M
162 Cameron Scottish Clan name meaning bent nose. F
163 Cameron Scottish Derives from a Scottish surname; from the Gaelic meaning crooked or bent nose. A common first name in Scotland, and in 2Oth century Canadian and Australian families of Scottish descent. M
164 Camhlaidh Scottish Relic. M
165 Camp Scottish Crooked mouth. M
166 Campbell Scottish Derived from a Scottish surname based on the Gaelic meaning crooked mouth. Campbell is used occasionally as a first name in Scotland, and in families of Scottish descent in other parts of the world. M
167 Camron Scottish Variant of Cameron 'bent nose.'. M
168 Camshron Scottish Crooked nose. M
169 Caraidland Scottish From the land between the streams. M
170 Carlton Scottish From the land between the streams. M
171 Carmichael Scottish Friend of Saint Michael. M
172 Caroline Scottish Feminine form of Charles: manly. F
173 Carr Scottish From the broken mossy ground. M
174 Carson Scottish Surname. M
175 Cat Scottish Catlike. M