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Showing 176 - 210 of 893 results. Page: 6 of 26

Browse all Scottish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
176 Cathair Scottish From the broken mossy ground. M
177 Catriona Scottish Variant of Katherine meaning pure. F
178 Cauley Scottish Relic. M
179 Cawley Scottish Relic. M
180 Ceard Scottish Smith. M
181 Ceardach Scottish Smith. M
182 Chaim Scottish Crooked. M
183 Chait Scottish Catlike. M
184 Chalmer Scottish Rules the home. M
185 Chalmers Scottish Rules the home. M
186 Chattan Scottish Clan of the cats. M
187 Chisholm Scottish From Chisolm. M
188 Chrissa Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F

189 Chrissie Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
190 Chrissy Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
191 Christal Scottish Christian. F
192 Christel Scottish Christian. F
193 Christi Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
194 Christie Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
195 Christie Scottish Christian. M
196 Christy Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
197 Christy Scottish Christian. M
198 Chrystal Scottish Diminutive of Christopher. M
199 Clach Scottish Stone. M
200 Claud Scottish From the French Claude, a variant of the Latin Claudium meaning lame. Introduced into Scotland by the 6th century Hamilton family. Famous person: British actor Claude Rains. M
201 Cleit Scottish Rocky eminence. M
202 Clennan Scottish Finnian's servant. M
203 Cliamon Scottish Gentle. M
204 Clyde Scottish From the name of Scottish Clyde river. M
205 Coburn Scottish Surname and place name. M
206 Coby Scottish Variant of Coburn. M
207 Coira Scottish Seething pool. F
208 Coire Scottish Seething pool. M
209 Coiseam Scottish Steady; stable. M
210 Colin Scottish Young dog. A translation of the Gaelic 'Cailean' Also, 'victory of the people'. M