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Showing 211 - 245 of 893 results. Page: 7 of 26

Browse all Scottish girls | boys babynames
# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 Colina Scottish Feminine form of Colin: Young dog. A translation of the Gaelic 'Cailean' Also, 'victory of the people'. F
212 Colquhoun Scottish From Colquhoun. M
213 Comyn Scottish From Comines. M
214 Cora Scottish Seething pool. F
215 Corey Scottish Seething pool. M
216 Cormag Scottish Raven. M
217 Cory Scottish Seething pool. M
218 Craig Scottish Dwells at the crag. From the Celtic word meaning rock or crag. M
219 Crannog Scottish Lake dweller. M
220 Crayton Scottish Border dweller. M
221 Creighton Scottish From the farm by the creek. M
222 Crisdean Scottish Follower of Christ; Christ. M
223 Crissa Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F

224 Crissie Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
225 Crissy Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
226 Cristie Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
227 Cristy Scottish Abbreviation of Christine. Follower of Christ. F
228 Crom Scottish Crooked. M
229 Cromwell Scottish From the crooked well. M
230 Cruim Scottish Crooked. M
231 Crystal Scottish Diminutive of Christopher. M
232 Cuddle Scottish This diminutive of Cuthbert may have given rise to the Scottish dialect word 'cuddy', meaning donkey. M
233 Cuddy Scottish This diminutive of Cuthbert may have given rise to the Scottish dialect word 'cuddy', meaning donkey. M
234 Culloden Scottish From the nook of the marsh. M
235 Cullodena Scottish From the broken mossy ground. F
236 Cullodina Scottish From the broken mossy ground. F
237 Cumhaige Scottish Dog/hound of the plain. M
238 Cumin Scottish From Comines. M
239 Cumina Scottish From Comines. F
240 Cumming Scottish From Comines. M
241 Cunningham Scottish From Cunningham. M
242 Daileass Scottish From the waterfall. M
243 Daimh Scottish Ox. M
244 Dal Scottish Diminutive of David: Beloved or friend, adopted from the Hebrew. David was a common name of Scottish kings in the Middle Ages. M
245 Dallas Scottish From the dales; the valley meadows. Name of a Texas city. F