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Showing 1716 - 1750 of 1983 results. Page: 50 of 57

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1716 Broderic Scandinavian Brother. M
1717 Broderic Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
1718 Broderick English From the broad ridge. Derived from a surname meaning 'son of Roderick'; now occasionally used as a first name. Famous bearer: American actor Broderick Crawford. M
1719 Broderick Irish Surname. M
1720 Broderick Scandinavian Brother. M
1721 Broderick Scottish Brother. M
1722 Broderick Welsh Son of Roderick. M
1723 Broderik English From the broad ridge. M
1724 Brodey Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
1725 Brodi Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
1726 Brodie Scottish Variant of Brody: Second son. M
1727 Brodny Slavic Person dwelling near a stream. M
1728 Brodric Scandinavian Brother. M

1729 Brodric Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
1730 Brodrick Scandinavian Brother. M
1731 Brodrick Scottish Variant of Broderick: Brother. M
1732 Brodrig English From the broad ridge. M
1733 Brodrik English From the broad ridge. M
1734 Brody Irish From the muddy place. Surname. M
1735 Brody Russian From Brody. M
1736 Brody Scottish Second son. M
1737 Broehain Scottish Broken. M
1738 Broga Anglo-Saxon Terror. M
1739 Brogan Anglo-Saxon Terror. M
1740 Broin Celtic Raven. M
1741 Brok English Badger. M
1742 Brokk Norse A mythical dwarf. M
1743 Brolle Scandinavian Diminutive of Broder: Brother. M
1744 Bromius Latin God of wine. M
1745 Bromleah English From the broom covered meadow. M
1746 Bromleigh English From the broom covered meadow. M
1747 Bromley English From the broom covered meadow. M
1748 Bromly English From the broom covered meadow. M
1749 Bron African Origin. M
1750 Bron Anglo-Saxon Brown or dark. M