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Showing 1751 - 1785 of 1983 results. Page: 51 of 57

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1751 Bron English Diminutive of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1752 Brondolf Norse Son of Naddodd. M
1753 Brone Irish Sorrowful. M
1754 Bronek Czech Variant of Bronislav: Glorious armor. M
1755 Bronislav Czech Glorious armor. M
1756 Bronislaw Czech Variant of Bronislav: Glorious armor. M
1757 Bronislaw Slavic Weapon of glory. M
1758 Bronnson English Variant of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1759 Bronsen English Variant of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1760 Bronsin English Variant of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1761 Bronson Anglo-Saxon Son of the dark man. M
1762 Bronson English Son of a dark man. M
1763 Bronson German Brown's son. M

1764 Bronsonn English Variant of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1765 Bronsson English Variant of Bronson: Son of a dark man. M
1766 Brook English Lives by the stream. M
1767 Brooke English Lives by the stream. M
1768 Brookes English Variant of Brook: Brook; stream. M
1769 Brooks English Variant of Brook: Brook; stream. M
1770 Brookson English Son of Brooke. M
1771 Brooksone English Son of Brooke. M
1772 Bror Scandinavian Diminutive of Broder: Brother. M
1773 Brothaigh Gaelic From Brodie. M
1774 Brougher English Lives at the fortress. M
1775 Broughton English From the fortress town. M
1776 Brown English Brown (colour name). M
1777 Bruce English Thick brush. Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: (the Bruce) who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. M
1778 Bruce French From Brys. M
1779 Bruce Scottish Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: ('the Bruce') who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. M
1780 Brucey English Diminutive of Bruce: Thick brush. Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: (the Bruce) who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. M
1781 Brucie English Diminutive of Bruce: Thick brush. Surname since medieval times; now a common given name. Folklore tale of 14th century Robert King of Scotland: (the Bruce) who learned the value of perseverance from watching a spider spin a web. M
1782 Bruhier Arabic Name of a Sultan. M
1783 Brun Anglo-Saxon Brown or dark. M
1784 Brun English Dark skinned. M
1785 Brunelle French Dark haired. M