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Showing 1576 - 1610 of 1762 results. Page: 46 of 51

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1576 Cristiano Spanish Christian. M
1577 Cristobal English Variant of Christopher: He who holds Christ in his heart. Famous Bearers: actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; explorer Christopher Columbus. M
1578 Cristobal Spanish Spanish form of Christopher 'Christ bearer'. M
1579 Cristofer Spanish With Christ inside. M
1580 Cristofor Spanish With Christ inside. M
1581 Cristoforo English Variant of Christopher: He who holds Christ in his heart. Famous Bearers: actors Christopher Plummer and Christopher Walken; explorer Christopher Columbus. M
1582 Cristoforo Greek Christ bearer. M
1583 Cristoforo Italian Italian form of Christopher 'Christ bearer'. M
1584 Criston Spanish Follower of Christ; the Annointed. M
1585 Cristophe Greek Christ bearer. M
1586 Cristos Spanish Follower of Christ; the Annointed. M
1587 Cristoval Spanish With Christ inside. M
1588 Croften English From the enclosed town. M

1589 Crofton English Cottage town; from the enclosed town. M
1590 Crogher Irish Loves hounds. M
1591 Crohoore Irish Loves hounds. M
1592 Crom Scottish Crooked. M
1593 Crombwiella English Lives by the winding stream. M
1594 Crompton English From the winding farm. M
1595 Cromwell English Lives by the winding stream. M
1596 Cromwell Scottish From the crooked well. M
1597 Cromwell Shakespearean 'King Henry the Eighth' Servant to Wolsey. M
1598 Cronan Gaelic Dark brown. M
1599 Cronan Irish Little dark one. M
1600 Cronus Greek A Titan. M
1601 Crosbey English Variant of Crosby: By the cross. M
1602 Crosbie English Variant of Crosby: By the cross. M
1603 Crosby English By the cross. M
1604 Crosby Norse Dwells at the shrine of the cross. M
1605 Crosby Teutonic Dwells by the town. M
1606 Crosland English Literally 'cross land'. M
1607 Croslea English Variant of Crosley: Meadow with a cross. M
1608 Crosleah English From the cross meadow. M
1609 Crosleigh English From the cross meadow. M
1610 Crosley English From the cross meadow. M