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Showing 1611 - 1645 of 1762 results. Page: 47 of 51

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1611 Crosly English From the cross meadow. M
1612 Crossland English Variant of Crosland: Literally 'cross land'. M
1613 Crossley English Variant of Crosley: Meadow with a cross. M
1614 Crow Hreidar Norse Son of Ofeig Dangle Beard. M
1615 Crowley Irish Hunch backed. M
1616 Crowther English Fiddle player. M
1617 Croydon English Surname and place-name. M
1618 Cruadhlaoich Irish Hunch backed. M
1619 Cruim Scottish Crooked. M
1620 Cruz Portuguese Cross. M
1621 Cruz Spanish Cross. M
1622 Crystal Scottish Diminutive of Christopher. M
1623 Ctesippus Greek One of Penelope's suitors. M

1624 Ctibor Czech An honourable fight. M
1625 Ctik Czech Variant of Ctibor: An honourable fight. M
1626 Ctislav Czech Variant of Ceslav: Glorious honour. M
1627 Cuanaic Irish Handsome. M
1628 Cuartio Spanish Born fourth. M
1629 Cuarto Spanish Born fourth. M
1630 Cubert Welsh Legendary son of Daere. M
1631 Cuchulain Celtic Mythical Hound of Ulster. M
1632 Cuddle Scottish This diminutive of Cuthbert may have given rise to the Scottish dialect word 'cuddy', meaning donkey. M
1633 Cuddy Scottish This diminutive of Cuthbert may have given rise to the Scottish dialect word 'cuddy', meaning donkey. M
1634 Cuilean Gaelic Cub. M
1635 Cuilean Irish Variant of Coilean: Puppy. M
1636 Cuinn Celtic Wise. M
1637 Cuinn Gaelic Wise. M
1638 Cuinn Irish Wise; intelligent. M
1639 Cuithbeart English Variant of Cuthbert: Famous. M
1640 Cuithbrig English Variant of Cuthbert: Famous. M
1641 Culain Celtic Mythical smith. M
1642 Culann Celtic Mythical smith. M
1643 Culbart English Seaman. M
1644 Culbert English Seaman. M
1645 Culbert Teutonic Cool and inteIligent. M