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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 176 - 210 of 1762 results. Page: 6 of 51

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
176 Caly Irish Slender. M
177 Cam Gaelic Diminutive of Campbell: Crooked mouth; and of Cameron: Bent nose; crooked river. M
178 Cam Scottish Crooked or crooked mouth. M
179 Cambeul Scottish Crooked mouth. M
180 Cambridge Shakespearean 'King Henry V' Earl of Cambridge, a conspirator against the King. M
181 Camdan Scottish From the winding valley. M
182 Camden Anglo-Saxon From the winding valley. M
183 Camden English Winding valley. M
184 Camden Gaelic From the crooked valley. M
185 Camden Scottish From the winding valley. M
186 Camdene Anglo-Saxon From the winding valley. M
187 Camdene Gaelic From the crooked valley. M
188 Camdin Scottish From the winding valley. M

189 Camdyn Scottish From the winding valley. M
190 Camedyr Welsh Legendary son of Govynyon. M
191 Camelon ArthurianLegend Site of Arthur's last battle. M
192 Camero Celtic Crooked nose. M
193 Cameron Celtic Crooked nose. Nickname of a Highland chieftain with a crooked nose. M
194 Cameron Gaelic Crooked. From the Celtic Cameron meaning Crooked nose. Nickname of a Highland chieftain with a crooked nose. M
195 Cameron Scottish Derives from a Scottish surname; from the Gaelic meaning crooked or bent nose. A common first name in Scotland, and in 2Oth century Canadian and Australian families of Scottish descent. M
196 Camey Celtic Crooked nose. M
197 Camey Irish Champion. M
198 Camhlaidh Scottish Relic. M
199 Camille French The French form of Camilla or Camillus. Although Camille is used as both a girl's and boy's name in France, outside France it is not used as a masculine name. Famous bearer: the famous 1936 Greta Garbo film 'Camille'. M
200 Camille Latin Variant of Camillus: Temple servant. This name of unknown origin was used by many young attendants of priests and priestesses in ancient Rome. M
201 Camillo Latin Free-born child; noble. Masculine of Camille. M
202 Camillo Shakespearean 'The Winter's Tale' Lord of Sicilia. M
203 Camillus Latin Priest's assistant; temple servant. This name of unknown origin was used by many young attendants of priests and priestesses in ancient Rome. M
204 Camilo Latin Temple servant. Also Free-born child; noble. Masculine of Camille. M
205 Camlann ArthurianLegend Site of Arthur's last battle. M
206 Camline Latin Song. M
207 Camlo Gypsy Beautiful. M
208 Camon Biblical His resurrection M
209 Camp Gaelic Diminutive of Campbell: Crooked mouth. M
210 Camp Scottish Crooked mouth. M