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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 211 - 245 of 1762 results. Page: 7 of 51

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
211 CampbeIl Gaelic Crooked mouth. M
212 Campbell French From the beautiful field. M
213 Campbell Gaelic Crooked mouth. M
214 Campbell Scottish Derived from a Scottish surname based on the Gaelic meaning crooked mouth. Campbell is used occasionally as a first name in Scotland, and in families of Scottish descent in other parts of the world. M
215 Camron Gaelic Variant of Cameron: Bent nose; crooked river. M
216 Camron Scottish Variant of Cameron 'bent nose.'. M
217 Camshron Gaelic Crooked. M
218 Camshron Scottish Crooked nose. M
219 Camy Irish Variant of Camey: Champion. M
220 Can Vietnamese Advice; counsel. M
221 Cana Biblical Zeal, jealousy, possession. M
222 Canaan Biblical Merchant, trader, or that humbles and subdues. M
223 Canice Irish Good-looking; handsome. M

224 Canidius Shakespearean Antony and Cleopatra'. Lieutenant-General to Mark Antony. M
225 Cannan French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
226 Cannine Latin Crimson. M
227 Canning French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
228 Cannon French Church official. M
229 Canon French Variant of Cannon: Church official. M
230 Canowicakte NativeAmerican Sioux name meaning forest hunter. M
231 Cant Welsh White. M
232 Canterbury Shakespearean 'King Henry V' Archbishop of Canterbury. M
233 Cantor Latin Singer. M
234 Canute Norse Knot. M
235 Canute Scandinavian Knot. M
236 Canute Teutonic Hill. M
237 Caoimhghin Celtic Gentle. M
238 Caoimhghin Irish Variant of Caoimhin: Noble. M
239 Caoimhin Irish Noble. M
240 Caolabhuinn Gaelic From the narrow river. M
241 Caolaidhe Gaelic Slender. M
242 Caolaidhe Irish Slender. M
243 Caolan Irish Slender. M
244 Caomh Irish Lovable. M
245 Caomhan Gaelic Handsome. M