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Showing 596 - 630 of 1048 results. Page: 18 of 30

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
596 Gimzo Biblical That bulrush. M
597 Ginath Biblical A garden. M
598 Ginnetho Biblical A garden. M
599 Gino Italian Italian form of Louis 'famous' Abbreviation of names like Gian and Giovanni. M
600 GioIlamhuire Gaelic Devoted. M
601 Giolla Chriost Irish Serves Christ. M
602 Giollabrighde Irish Serves Saint Bridget. M
603 Giollabuidhe Irish Blond. M
604 Giolladhe Irish Golden. M
605 Giollanaebhin Gaelic Worships the saints. M
606 Giollaruaidh Gaelic Serves the red haired one. M
607 Giomar German Famous in battle. M
608 Giomar Italian Famous in battle. M

609 Gionnan Gaelic Fair skinned. M
610 Giorgio Italian Italian form of George 'farmer'. M
611 Giotto Teutonic God's peace. M
612 Giovani Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
613 Giovanni Hebrew Gift from God. M
614 Giovanni Italian Italian forrn of John 'God is gracious' Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
615 Giovanny Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
616 Giovany Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
617 Giovonni Italian Variant of John 'God has shown favor.' See also Jovan. M
618 Girard Teutonic Spear strength. M
619 Giraud Teutonic Spear strength. M
620 Girflet ArthurianLegend Returns Excalibur to the lake. M
621 Girgashite Biblical Who arrives from pilgrimage. M
622 Girish Hindi Lord of the mountains. M
623 Girisha Indian Storm god. M
624 Girven Gaelic Rough. M
625 Girvyn Gaelic Rough. M
626 Giselbert English Trusted. M
627 Giselmaere English Famous hostage. M
628 Gisilbert German An Old German name derived from 'gisil', meaning pledge, and 'berhia', meaning bright. M
629 Gispa Biblical Coming hither. M
630 Gittah-hepher Biblical Digging, a wine-press. M