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African African-American Anglo-Saxon Arabic Aramaic Armenian ArthurianLegend Asian Assyrian Australian Basque Bavarian Biblical Cambodian Celtic Chinese Contemporary Cornish Czech Czechoslovakian Danish Dutch Egyptian English Farsi Finnish Flemish French Gaelic German Greek Gypsy Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indian Irish Israeli Italian Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Maori Muslim NativeAmerican Norse Persian Phoenician Polish Polynesian Portuguese Roman Rumanian Russian Sanskrit Scandinavian Scottish Shakespearean Singhalese Slavic Spanish Swedish Swiss Syrian Teutonic Thai Turkish Ukrainian Unknown Vietnamese Welsh Yiddish
Showing 631 - 665 of 1048 results. Page: 19 of 30

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
631 Gittaim Biblical A wine-press. M
632 Gittites Biblical Men of Gath; ie. of a wine-press M
633 Giuliano Italian Youthful. M
634 Giuliano Latin Youth. M
635 Giulio Italian Youthful; Variant of Julian and Julio. M
636 GIum Norse An outlaw. M
637 Giuseppe Italian He shall add. M
638 GIyn Welsh Dwells in the glen. M
639 GIynn Welsh Dwells in the glen. M
640 Gizur Norse Leader of the attack on Hlidarend. M
641 Gjallar Norse Horn sounded for Ragnorok. M
642 Gjest Norse Stranger. M
643 Gladwin English Happy friend. M

644 Gladwyn English Happy friend. M
645 Glaedwine English Happy friend. M
646 Glais ArthurianLegend Percival's grandfather. M
647 Glaleanna Irish Dwells in the glen. M
648 Glansdale Shakespearean 'Henry VI, Part 1' Sir William Glansdale. M
649 Glaucus Greek Son of Minos. M
650 Glaucus Latin Son of Minos. M
651 Gleann Gaelic From the glen. M
652 Gleipnif Norse Magic net woven to hold Fenrir. M
653 Gleis Welsh Legendary son of Merin. M
654 Glen Celtic From the valley. M
655 Glen Gaelic Derived from the Gaelic 'gleana', meaning valley. Used both as a surname and given name. Famous bearer: American singer Glen Campbell. M
656 Glendale Gaelic Valley. M
657 Glendon Gaelic From the dark glen. M
658 Glendyn Gaelic Valley. M
659 Glenn Celtic From the valley. M
660 Glenn Gaelic Derived from the Gaelic 'gleana', meaning valley. Used both as a surname and given name. Famous bearer: Canadian actor Glenn Ford. M
661 Glenn Welsh Dwells in the glen. M
662 Glew Welsh Legendary son of Ysgawd. M
663 Glifieu Celtic Mythical son of Taran. M
664 Glinyeu Welsh Legendary son of Taran. M
665 Glistenheath Norse The place where Sigurd killed Fafnir. M