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Showing 771 - 805 of 939 results. Page: 23 of 27

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
771 Jorie Hebrew God will uplift. M
772 Jorim Biblical He that exalts the Lord M
773 Jorim Hebrew Jehovah is exalted. An ancestor of Mary. M
774 Joris Danish Farmer. M
775 Jorisr Greek Farmer. M
776 Jorma Finnish Farmer. M
777 Jormungand Norse The serpent who encircles the earth. M
778 Jorn Scandinavian Variant of George. M
779 Jornr Greek Farmer. M
780 Joron Scandinavian Variant of George. M
781 Jorrel English The fictional character Jorel father of Superman. M
782 Jorrell English The fictional character Jorel father of Superman. M
783 Jorry Scandinavian Variant of George. M

784 Jorund Norse Son of Hrafn the Foolish. M
785 Jory Danish Farmer. M
786 Jory Hebrew God will uplift. M
787 Jory Scandinavian Variant of George. M
788 Josabad Biblical Having a dowry. M
789 Josaphat Biblical The Lord is judge M
790 Joscelin German Variant of Jocelyn: One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam as a masculine name during the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn was adopted as a feminine first name in the early 20th century. M
791 Jose Biblical Raised; who pardons M
792 Jose Portuguese May God give increase. M
793 Jose Spanish May God give increase. M
794 Joseba Hebrew God will multiply. M
795 Josef Czechoslovakian May God give increase. M
796 Josef Danish Danish form of Joseph. M
797 Josef German German form of Joseph. M
798 Joselito Spanish May God give increase. M
799 Josep Polish Polish form of Joseph 'God shall add'. M
800 Joseph Biblical Increase; addition M
801 Joseph Hebrew May Jehovah add/give increase. St Joseph of Arimathea undertook the burial of Jesus (in Holy Grail lore). In the bible Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery and later rose to become a supreme power in Egypt. Also Jesus' legal father.. M
802 Josephus Hebrew God will multiply. M
803 Josephus Latin May God give increase. M
804 Joses Biblical Raised; who pardons M
805 Josh Hebrew Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is salvation.'. M