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Showing 806 - 840 of 939 results. Page: 24 of 27

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
806 Josha Indian Satisfied. M
807 Joshah Biblical Being; forgetting; owing M
808 Joshaviah Biblical The seat, alteration, or captivity of the Lord. M
809 Joshbekesha Biblical It is requiring or beseeching. M
810 Joshua Biblical A savior; a deliverer M
811 Joshua Hebrew Jehovah is generous. Jehovah saves. In the Old Testament, Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses as leader of the Israelites for their journey to the Promised Land. M
812 Josiah Biblical The Lord burns; the fire of the Lord M
813 Josiah Hebrew Jehovah has healed. Biblical Josiah became king of Judah at eight after his father was assassinated. He ruled 31 years. M
814 Josias Hebrew Variant of Josiah: May Jehovah heal. M
815 Josias Spanish Form of Josiah 'Jehovah has healed.'. M
816 Josibiah Biblical The seat; or captivity of the Lord M
817 Josilyn English Medieval male name adopted as a feminine name. M
818 Josiphiah Biblical Increase of the Lord, the Lord's finishing. M

819 Joska Hungarian Hungarian form of Joseph 'God is gracious'. M
820 Joss German Diminutive of Jocelyn: One of the Goths'. Introduced into Britam as a masculine name during the Norman Conquest, Jocelyn was adopted as a feminine first name in the early 20th century. M
821 Joss Hebrew Abbreviation of Joshua 'Jehovah is salvation.'. M
822 JosT Hebrew Variant of Joseph: May Jehovah add/give increase. M
823 JosT Spanish The Spanish form of Joseph: May Jehovah add. Addition (to the family). M
824 Josu Hebrew God saves. M
825 Josue Hebrew God is salvation. M
826 Josue Spanish Spanish form of Joshua 'He shall add'. M
827 Jotham Biblical The perfection of the Lord M
828 Jotham Hebrew Jehovah is perfect. May Jehovah complete. In the Old Testament, Gideon's youngest son, who escaped the massacre of his seventy brothers. Also a king of Judah during a time of military strife. M
829 Jothath Biblical His goodness M
830 Jothatha Biblical His goodness M
831 Jourdaine English Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
832 Jourdaine Hebrew Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
833 Jourdan French Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
834 Jourdon English Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
835 Jourdon Hebrew Variant of Hebrew Jordan 'down flowing.'. M
836 Jov Hebrew Supplanter. M
837 Jov Russian Form of Job 'persecuted'. M
838 Jovan Latin Father of the sky. Form of Jove from Jupiter. Jupiter was Roman mythological supreme deity corresponding to the Greek Zeus. M
839 Jovani Latin Form of Jovan 'Father of the sky.'. M
840 Jovann Latin Form of Jovan 'Father of the sky.'. M