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Showing 1856 - 1890 of 2210 results. Page: 54 of 64

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1856 Asha Arabic Lively. F
1857 Asha Sanskrit Hope. Mythology: the wife of a Hindu demigod. F
1858 Ashan Biblical Smoke. F
1859 Ashia African Hope. Mythology: the wife of a Hindu demigod. (Somali). F
1860 Ashia Arabic Lively. F
1861 Ashild Norse God fighting. F
1862 Ashilda Norse God fighting. F
1863 Ashilde Norse God fighting. F
1864 Ashima Biblical Crime, offense. F
1865 Ashira Hebrew Wealthy. F
1866 Ashla English Meadow of ash trees. F
1867 Ashlea English Feminine form of Ashley: Ash tree meadow. F
1868 Ashleah English Meadow of ash trees. F

1869 Ashlee English Meadow of ash trees. F
1870 Ashleen English Meadow of ash trees. F
1871 Ashleena English Meadow of ash trees. F
1872 Ashleigh English Meadow of ash trees. F
1873 Ashlen English Meadow of ash trees. F
1874 Ashley Anglo-Saxon Dwells at the ash tree meadow. F
1875 Ashley English Lives in the ash tree grove. Derived from a surname and place name based on the Old English word for ash wood. Famous bearer: Ashley, the male character in Margaret Mitchell's popular 'Gone with the Wind'. Both a male and female name. F
1876 Ashlie English Meadow of ash trees. F
1877 Ashlin English Meadow of ash trees. F
1878 Ashling Irish Vision. F
1879 Ashlinn English Meadow of ash trees. F
1880 Ashly English Meadow of ash trees. F
1881 Ashlyn English Meadow of ash trees. F
1882 Ashlynn English Meadow of ash trees. F
1883 Ashlynne English Meadow of ash trees. F
1884 Ashnah Biblical Change. F
1885 Ashtaroth Biblical Flocks, sheep, riches. F
1886 Ashten English Town of ash trees. F
1887 Ashton English Town of ash trees. F
1888 Ashtoreth Biblical Flocks, sheep, riches. F
1889 Ashtyn English Town of ash trees. F
1890 Asia Arabic Lively; The rising sun. The name of the continent used as a given name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh's wife Asia raised the infant Moses. A variant of Aisha: life. F