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Showing 1891 - 1925 of 2210 results. Page: 55 of 64

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1891 Asia Biblical Muddy; boggy. F
1892 Asia Latin Mother of Atlas. F
1893 Asianne Arabic The rising sun. The name of the continent used as a given name. According to the Koran the Pharaoh's wife Asia raised the infant Moses. A variant of Aisha: (life). F
1894 Asima Arabic Defender. F
1895 Asima Muslim Protector.. F
1896 Askelon Biblical Weight, balance, fire of infamy. F
1897 Aslaug Norse Devoted to God. F
1898 Asma Muslim Beautiful.. F
1899 Asma' Muslim Excellent. Precious. Daughter of Abu Bakr, first Khalif.. F
1900 Aspasia Greek Welcome. Famous bearer: Aspasia was a 5th century BC mistress of the Athenian statesman Pericles.Welcomed. F
1901 Assa Latin Mother of Simon. F
1902 Assana Irish Waterfall. F
1903 Assane Irish Waterfall. F

1904 Asshurim Biblical Liers in want; beholders. F
1905 Assos Biblical Approaching, coming near. F
1906 Assyria Biblical Country of Assur or Ashur. F
1907 Asta Greek Star. F
1908 Asta Latin Holy. F
1909 Asta Norse Tree. F
1910 Astarte Egyptian A wife of Seth. F
1911 Astarte Latin Phoenician goddess of love. F
1912 Asteria Latin Star. F
1913 Asthore Irish Loved one. F
1914 Astlyr Norse Divine strength. F
1915 Astolat ArthurianLegend Lady of Shalott who kills herself for the love of Lancelot. F
1916 Astra Greek Star. F
1917 Astra Latin From astralis meaning of the stars, derived from the Greek astron meaning star. F
1918 Astra Norse Divine strength. F
1919 Astraea Greek Justice. F
1920 Astraea Latin Surname of Artemis. F
1921 Astrea Greek Star. F
1922 Astred Norse Divine strength. F
1923 Astred Teutonic Impulsive. F
1924 Astrid Danish Divine strength. F
1925 Astrid Norse Divine strength. F