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Showing 1156 - 1190 of 1495 results. Page: 34 of 43

# Name Origin Meaning Gender Save
1156 Milka Slavic Industrious. F
1157 Millicent French Of a thousand saints. F
1158 Millicent German Strong work. Industrious. F
1159 Millicent Teutonic Strong. F
1160 Millicente French Of a thousand saints. F
1161 Millie English Diminutive of Mildred: Mild of strength. Also a diminutive of the Latin Emily, from Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius. F
1162 Millie French Strength; determination. F
1163 Millie German Strength, determination. Diminutive of Amelia: From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour, and the Latin Aemilia. Famous bearers: 18th century British King George III's daughter Princess Amelia' Henry Fielding's novel Amelia'. F
1164 Millie Latin Diminutive of Camilla: Servant for the temple; Free-born; noble. Feminine form of Camillus. Famous bearer: Roman mythological Volscian warrior queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's 18th century novel 'Camilla'. F
1165 Millo Biblical Fullness. F
1166 Milly English Diminutive of Mildred: Mild of strength. Also a diminutive of the Latin Emily, from Aemilia, the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius. F
1167 Milly German Strength, determination; industrious. Diminutive of Millicent or Amelia: From the Old German word for labour, and the Latin Aemilia. F
1168 Milly Latin Diminutive of Camilla: Servant for the temple; Free-born; noble. Feminine form of Camillus. Famous bearer: Roman mythological Volscian warrior queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's 18th century novel 'Camilla'. F

1169 Mima Hebrew Diminutive of Jemima: Dove. Little dove. In the Old Testament, Jemima was one of the three beautiful daughters of Job (the other two were Keziah and Keren). F
1170 Mimi French Form of Williamina. F
1171 Mimi Hebrew Diminutive of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. F
1172 Mimi Spanish Pet name for Mira; Maria and Noemi. F
1173 Mimi Teutonic Resolute. F
1174 Min Gaelic Smooth; fine; small. F
1175 Min Irish Smooth; fine; small. F
1176 Mina Dutch Protector. F
1177 Mina German Love. F
1178 Mina Muslim Variant of Meena: Starling. Heaven. Glass.. F
1179 Minah Yiddish Bitter. F
1180 Minal NativeAmerican Fruit. F
1181 Minau Persian Heaven. F
1182 Mindel Yiddish Bitter. F
1183 Mindie English Abbreviation of Melinda. F
1184 Mindy English Abbreviation of Melinda. F
1185 Mindy German Love. F
1186 Minerva Greek Wise. F
1187 Minerva Latin Mind; to remember. Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom, arts, crafts, and of war. F
1188 Minetta French Form of Williamina. F
1189 Minette French Form of Williamina. F
1190 Minka Polish Strong. F